You’re a rap, the crowd’s delight
They get you
They dance, sing n’ sway
I’m cloaked…a little
They call me poetry
Cause… I creep
I’m slower to digest
They’ve got to, think before they get me
They escape into you, your beat, your flow…
Me? I’m what they’ll never truly know
Words are my existence
For you, they’re just tools
They define my reasons, my why…
They make all the rules
You see, I used to be as stone
But now…
I hurt and I feel,
And I feel,
And I feel… sensitive
They move, bump, and sway to you,
But they have to feel me
They call you dope,
But after a dose of me, they need dope
Just to rise out of their beds.
It’s all twisted here
My truths manifest as your lies
There is no remix, there’s only me
My future, cut off like a vasectomy
Raps can be remixed
But poems stand solitary, in a way, free
We’re different…
Can you dig it?
Can you see it?
You take a word and make it a slave
But to that same word, I am enslaved
Faithful to the verse, I exist unrehearsed
You’re a crowd pleaser, an hors-d’oeuvre, a teaser
They ingest you and long for more…
But I’m too much, too deep, too real, too filling
I am your truth, the truth of who you are behind the facade
I am poetry
And when you’re honest, I’m your pain, your sadness, and all of your madness…
Do you recognize me?
I’m behind your anger and all of your vain
Vulnerable, soft, and wildly insane,
I am the raw face, the truth, and the heart’s beat.
You are rap, the face beat, the coverup, the one afraid… to be truly seen
I am your source
The blood that flows
I am poetry
You’re just a representative
Attractive, but ultimately, not real.
At least not to me.